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Halwani Brothers Company

Halwani Brothers Company

Halwani Bros Company is the pioneer in the world of foodstuff in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Makes Halawa, Meat, Tahina, Jams, Sweets, Juices, Cheese, Dairy, Ice Cream, Provisions, Grains, Wet-Wipes and Plastic halwani, halwani bros, food, pioneer, Halawa, Meat, Tahina, Jams, Sweets, Juices, Cheese, Dairy, Ice Cream, Provisions, Grains, Wet-Wipes, Plastic
Halwani Bros Company is the pioneer in the world of foodstuff in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
It has performed a lot of accomplishments during the past nine years.
The most important after affiliation with Dallah company for Industrial investment was the transformation of Halwani Bros Company from mere selling policy to marketing and circulation policy, raising the net and gross sales, the net and gross profits on equal footing while improving the products in terms of packaging and quality.
Also, one of the most important accomplishments is obtaining the certificate of high quality ( ISO 9001 ) in addition to the certificate of the managing system of food safety ( HACCP ). Both certificates will crown our efforts and commitments to ensure the superior quality of our products. Halwani Bros Company has many favorite food brands and offers popular items across a variety of food categories and channels. Whether you’re eating at home or away, Halwani Brothers offers many of consumers’ favorite products. We invite you to explore the many brands of Halwani Brothers. Halwani Bros Company is the pioneer in the world of foodstuff in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It has performed a lot of accomplishments during the past nine years.