Please turn on your javascript yousef - مشرف تقنية المعلومات - شركة عمر أبوبكر بالبيد المحدودة - ينبع البحر, المملكة العربية السعودية


• support users in the use of computer and Windows systems as well as connect users to the network company
• Maintenance and repair of all computers
Adjust the network settings used in the site and connect them with the network settings used in the main station to link the branches to the main center
• Add new network points in the new users\' connections as well as general maintenance of the local computer network\'s network and ensure the site\'s integrity
• Working in a team spirit in continuous coordination with the computer department at the main office
• Fully complying with the information security standards imposed by the automated management system to all users and following up the implementation of instructions to all users in the site
• Provide all computer supplies and inks necessary for the operation of work and ensure that it does not stop in case of failure

• The installation of computers and alternative network backup in case of failure of any device or network in the site
• Connect all users to the domain system used by the computer department in the main office
• Resolve any problem facing the user at the site directly to ensure that he does not stop working for any reason
• Train new users on the operating systems and software of the company and support them functionally in order to be able to function properly
• Develop the programs used in the company and networks and monitor and follow up the performance of those programs after development and prepare
the necessary reports and send them to the administration
• Connect all the devices connected to the server system with remote control systems (via the domain system or TeamViewer) to solve the problem in the user\'s device as quickly and effortlessly
• install and configure computer hardware operating systems and applications
• monitor and maintain computer systems and networks
• talk staff or clients through a series of actions, either face-to-face or over the phone, to help set up systems or resolve issues
• troubleshoot system and network problems, diagnosing and solving hardware or software faults
• replace parts as required
• provide support, including procedural documentation and relevant reports
• follow diagrams and written instructions to repair a fault or set up a system
• support the roll-out of new applications
• set up new users\' accounts and profiles and deal with password issues
• respond within agreed time limits to call-outs
• work continuously on a task until completion (or referral to third parties, if appropriate
• consulting staff from different parts of a client\'s organization
• analyzing an organization\'s data
• determining information system requirements and defining project objectives
• making recommendations, such as suggesting appropriate hardware, software and systems
• designing, installing and trialing new systems and software, and fixing any issues that arise
• compiling and presenting information
• writing reports and documentation
• repairing computer problems and removing viruses
• training users
• Responding to feedback

• Team player with excellent communication skills and leadership skills.
• Reliable, flexible and hard working.
• Speaking and writing Arabic and English languages fluently
• Ability to cope with the difficulties of my work
• Full knowledge of the skills of writing letters and official correspondence
• Creative thinking and Self-development skills
• Ability to make serious decisions
• the ability to think logically
• a good memory of how software and operating systems work
• excellent listening and questioning skills, combined with the ability to interact confidently with clients to establish what the problem is and explain the solution
• the ability to work well in a team
• problem solving skills
• a strong customer focus
• the ability to priorities your workload
• Attention to detail.


شعار الشركة
مشرف تقنية المعلومات
شركة عمر أبوبكر بالبيد المحدودة
ديسمبر ۱۹۹۸ - سبتمبر ۲۰۱۸ | ينبع البحر, المملكة العربية السعودية

شعار الشركة
إداري نظم المعلومات
شركة عمر أبوبكر بالبيد للسيارات
ديسمبر ۱۹۹۸ - أبريل ۲۰۰۰ | جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

خدمات مساندة للمستخدمين وصيانة اجهزة كمبيوتر وشبكات كمبيوتر وضبط اعدادات الطابعات بأنواعها المستخدمة في المواقع وضبط وصيانة انظمة الويندوز وتطبيقاتها المختلفة

شعار الشركة
مشرف صيانة كمبيوتر وشبكات وخدمات مساندة
مؤسسة البركة لأنظمة الحاسب الآلي
أغسطس ۱۹۹٦ - يوليو ۱۹۹۸ | جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

مشرف مبيعات أجهزة كمبيوتر ومستلزماتها واكسسواراتها وصيانة كمبيوتر وتركيب شبكات وخدمات مساندة ودعم فني

شعار الشركة
مشرف صيانة وخدمات مساندة ومبيعات
مؤسسة محمد سالم للتجارة
يناير ۱۹۹۴ - يوليو ۱۹۹٦ | جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

خدمات مساندة وصيانة حاسب الي وشبكات وإعدادتها وتمديداتها ومشرف مبيعات اجهزة كمبيوتر ومستلزماتها وتدريب فني

شعار الشركة
, المملكة العربية السعودية


الكلية الجامعية المتوسطة
دبلوم, ‎
برمجة علوم كمبيوتر


متمكن Corporate IT
متمكن Corporate HR Department
متمكن Import Operations Handling
متوسط Supplier Negotiation
متمكن Team Motivation
متمكن محادثة المبيعات


متمكن إنجليزي
متمكن عربي

الشركات التي تتابعها