Please turn on your javascript alaa bahgat - مدير فرع - شركة العطية الدولية للتجارة - جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية


Received company\'s highest vertical and horizontal products distribution award for two years (2003 - 2004)
- Developed Excellence in sales training courses.
- In 2005 Expanded territorial sales by 200%
- In 2006 Expanded territorial sales and products distribution by 185%.
- During 2009 was reduced bad debt among customers during the 5 years prior to this year of 370,000 Egyptian melodic to 115000 pounds while maintaining whole new collection of indebtedness
- Develop a clear plan of Sales and steady steps leading to an increase in sales for the branch growth rate of 87% and the rest of the bad debt collection
- Been working to develop a plan sales and other market conditions to reach a stable and build upon
- Branch first place win in the Republic in the distribution and sales contest
- Apprised of the best director of a branch during 2011. Reading was done to the market to see the status of our products and compare them with the competition. Based on the reading, some decisions were made to increase the distribution rates in some products, which led to an increase of sales by 69%
- Another in 2012 nominated to take over the General Manager of the company\'s sales of other product and has already begun and circumstances prevent that differing views.
- In 2014 achieved increase in the growth rate of Alex wholesales by 60% in the second quarter of the year in comparison with the first quarter.
- Also in 2014 achieved increase in the growth rate of distributors\' number by 150% in the second quarter of the year in comparison with the first quarter.
- Another in 2014 rearranged the plans of customers\' data lists, and developed incentive programs for customers which lead to increase in the sales rate by 75%.
- In 2015 achieved deal with new intendants in Al Gharbia, Kafr El Shiekh, Al Mnofia, and Al Kaliobia.
- Also, developed practical framework for each intendant which increased the growth rate of in-sales by 200% and in out-sales by 150% from the first quarter to the second quarter.
- In last 2015, opened new branch of Baraka Al Arabia factory for pastries & sweets, in Jedda, Saudi Arabia.
- In last 2016, scanned customers in South area of Saudi Arabia for Baraka Al Arabia factory for pastries & sweets, Saudi Arabia.
- In 2017, achieved deal with number of catering and supplies offices for exporting products of Baraka Al Arabia factory for pastries & sweets to east, west, and south areas of Saudi Arabia.
• In 2018 the first place (Jeddah branch) was obtained at the level of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for sales and distribution for three consecutive months and the growth rate of 27% (Al-Attiyah)


شعار الشركة
مدير فرع
شركة العطية الدولية للتجارة
فبراير ۲۰۱۸ - الآن | جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

ادارة الفرع اداريا وبيعي ومتابعة الاهداف يوميا مع السادة مشرفي الفرع ومتابعة الاستوك وعمل طلبيات بالنواقص
متابعة شيكات كبار العملاء
متابعة السوق وعمل اجتماعات مستمرة مع الباير الخاص بالهايبرات لعمل العروض الاسبوعية

شعار الشركة
مدير فرع
مصنع بركة العربية
يناير ۲۰۱۷ - فبراير ۲۰۱۸ | خميس مشيط, المملكة العربية السعودية

شعار الشركة
مدير فرع
مصنع بركة العربية
نوفمبر ۲۰۱۵ - يناير ۲۰۱۷ | جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

شعار الشركة
نائب المدير الاقليمي
مدار جروب مصر
أغسطس ۲۰۱۳ - نوفمبر ۲۰۱۵ | الإسكندرية, مصر

مسؤل عن ادارة قطاع غرب الدلتا ويتكون من 6 فروع
تم عمل معادلة استثمار للوكلاء بسرعة دوران مرة ونصف شهريا مقابل زيادة المبلغ المستثمر مع الشركة


Tanta University
بكالوريوس, شهادة بكالوريوس, , بكالوريوس تجارة‎
نسبة مئوية 70%


متوسط إنجليزي

الشركات التي تتابعها